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Polynucleotides are an injectable treatment that stimulates collagen and elastin in the skin to improve skin quality, fine lines, scarring, pigmentation and more. Essentially, they target any signs of ageing through repair and rejuvenation. This highly safe treatment, suitable for all skin types and tones, has been game-changing in aesthetic medicine for over 40 years. This treatment is particularly effective at transforming the under-eye area but can also be used on the neck, cheeks, and lower face for all-over rejuvenation.

So, what are polynucleotides? What is injected? Our body's unique DNA comprises strands of protein molecules called polynucleotides. The polynucleotides tell the other cells in the body what to do. Think of them like a rule book. Part of their responsibility is the production of proteins, collagen and elastin - the vital components of keeping the skin looking young, which depletes with age and cause fine lines, pigmentation, skin sagging and more. By injecting polynucleotides back into the skin, we speed up cell turnover, causing more collagen and elastin to be produced.

Polynucleotides used in aesthetic treatments are derived from salmon or trout DNA. They are diluted into water and injected into the skin.


About Polynucleotides

It may be helpful to consider this treatment a cross between tear trough filler and skin boosters. Like tear trough filler, it gives you a bit of volume but is perfect for people who aren’t suitable candidates for tear trough filler due to poor skin laxity or puffy eyes, for example. Like skin boosters, they also improve skin quality, fine lines and pigmentation.

We use very fine needles for this treatment and numbing cream, so the treatment shouldn’t be painful at all. Unlike a treatment such as a tear trough filler, this treatment is not one-and-done, and you will need 3-4 sessions. Results usually last 6-12 months, so we recommend maintenance sessions around these marks. Because this is a regenerative treatment, your body will keep ageing, so maintenance is essential for that boost of collagen and elastin.

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30 mins


6-12 months

no. of sessions





Please see our most commonly asked questions below

What kind of results can be achieved?
You will see results quite quickly after the first session, but the product will continue to work for 12 weeks after the first session. You will see an improvement in skin quality, tone and volume.

Following injection, the polynucleotides will gradually absorb into your skin. They will signal the skin in three ways. Firstly, fibroblast cells will be stimulated to promote cell renewal. This will lead to more collagen production and hydration. The antioxidants from this treatment will then remove free radicals that would typically damage the cells. The final signal is ‘repair’ to help improve scars, stretch marks, pigmentation and texture.

The level of results will vary slightly from person to person depending on your age, frequency of treatments, lifestyle and your body's capability to produce collagen and elastin. We’ve seen some incredible results in the clinic, especially under the eyes, that you can see from the images below.
Who is this treatment suitable and not suitable for?
When used by an experienced and trained medical professional, this treatment has an extremely high safety profile. This treatment is suitable for all skin types, tones and ages. We recommend this treatment for anyone who wants to improve their under-eye area first and foremost or improve acne scars, pigmentation or signs of ageing on the lower face or neck. This treatment is a brilliant option if you aren’t a suitable candidate for tear trough filler.

This treatment is not suitable if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or vegan/ vegetarian, as the DNA fragments are derived from salmon or trout.
What’s the difference between filler and polynucleotides?
The sole purpose of a dermal filler, composed of hyaluronic acid, is to add impressionable volume to the face that sets. Fillers don’t promote cellular renewal. Some people aren’t good candidates for filler, especially in the tear trough, due to the risk of puffiness with their under-eye anatomy. Fillers last 6-18 months and usually only require one treatment to provide incredible instant volume to tweak the appearance of the face.

Polynucleotides are derived from particles of salmon DNA that are diluted with water. The treatment has no risks and is suitable for all skin types and tones. The treatment provides some volume (although not to the extent of filler) but also boasts multiple skin benefits, as the treatment provides regenerative cellular renewal. It promotes the building of collagen and elastin to provide a wealth of anti-ageing benefits. Unlike filler, you will need between 2-4 treatments to see the full results.
How long does it last?
We recommend a maintenance treatment every 6-12 months for optimum results. Even though you are building collagen, you will continue ageing, so you need to maintain it.
What is the recovery/downtime?
This treatment creates little tiny bumps straight after - sometimes, the bumps can take a day or two to go down. These bumps are tiny. They aren’t red or irritated.
What are the side effects and risks?
Polynucleotides have an extremely high safety profile. There’s no risk of puffiness or vascular occlusion. Due to the polynucleotides being suspended in water, there is no risk of blood vessel blockages. The salmon DNA derived for this treatment is extremely pure, meaning you could still have this treatment if you had a fish allergy.

Polynucleotides do not promote abnormal cellular activity, nor do they promote an increased risk of skin cancer. They actually stabilise the melanocyte cells, the cells that cause pigment, making the treatment brilliant for pigmentation. The main potential side effect would relate to the injection point being slight redness, swelling or bruising which would all subside relatively quickly.
How painful is the treatment?
The needles we use for this treatment are extremely fine. We will use numbing cream, which, combined with the fine needle, means you shouldn’t feel any pain with this treatment.
Your appointment will be 30 minutes.
How is it done?
Prior to injection, your injector will apply numbing cream to the area being treated. Using a fine needle, your injector will dispense the product into the area of the skin being treated. The treatment is relatively quick. This treatment creates little tiny bumps straight after - sometimes, the bumps can take a day or two to go down. These bumps are tiny. They aren’t red or irritated.


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